Researcher Information
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Academic Background
Academic Society and Social Activity
Field of Research
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker
Academic Theses
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Teacher Information
SHIN DUK シン トク 2430297 1583 Iiyama, Atsugi, Kanagawa
TOKYO POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering、Electronics and Mechatronics Full-Time Teacher
TOKYO POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering、Department of Engineering、Machinery Course Full-Time Teacher
Academic Background
2001-04-01 Tokyo Institute of Technology Enrollment 博士後期
2005-04 Tokyo Institute of Technology Completion --- Ph.D.
2004-01 2005-03 独)科学技術振興機構CREST 研究補助員 Other
2005-04 2006-03 独)科学技術振興機構CREST 研究員 Research Associate
2006-04 2007-03 東京工業大学 Reader
2007-04 2010-03 株式会社 豊田中央研究所 客員研究員 Research Associate
2010-04 2012-10 東京工業大学 産学官連携研究員 特任助教 Research Associate
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2012-11 2015-03 東京工業大学 産学官連携研究員 特任准教授 Associate Professor
2015-04 2015-08 東京工業大学 産学官連携研究員 Research Associate
2015-09 東京工芸大学 工学部 電子機械学科 Associate Professor
2020-04 東京工芸大学 工学部 機械コース Professor
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Academic Society and Social Activity
2022 2022-05 Cognitive Neurodynamics ENG editorial board member
2022 2015-09 Scientific Reports誌 論文編集 ENG editorial board member
2021 2021-04 Actuators ENG Guest Editor
2017 2016-11 The 2nd International Workshop on Internet of Things, Social Network, and Security in Big Data 2017 Program Committee ENG Program Committee
Field of Research
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker
2017 人間の集中力低下状態を予測する脳視覚メカニズムの糾明と色情報を用いた意識集中力を向上させる研究
2016 科研費:基盤研究(C)脳卒中のリハビリを目指した粘弾性の予測と制御ができるパワーアシストと臨床応用
2021 Real-Time Emotion Estimation System Using Face API of Microsoft Azure ENG
2021 Facial Color Analysis by Body Temperature using Color and Far Infrared Images ENG
2021 Automatic Sleep Spindle Detection and Analysis in Patients with Sleep Disorders ENG
2021 視線追跡装置を用いたオンライン学習時の集中度の評価 ENG
2020 Cognitive Modeling Based on Perceiving-Acting Cycle in Robotic Avatar System for Disabled Patients ENG
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2020 A Design of Anthropomorphic Hand based on Human Finger Anatomy Excellent paper ENG
2020 Mobile Robot with Eye-Gaze Interface ENG
2020 Face Color Analysis by Body Temperature for a Mobile Device Application ENG
2020 Semi-Autonomous Robotic Avatar System for Patients with Motor Disabilities ENG
2020 Cognitive Modeling Based on Perceiving-Acting Cycle in Robotic Avatar System for Disabled Patients ENG
2019 Development of a Prosthetic Hand Based on Human Anatomy Best Presentation ICMCR 2019 Hukuoka ENG
2019 Development of a Smart LED Lighting System for Preventing Unconcentrated State ISCSA2019 ENG
2019 EEG Controlled Automated Writing Robotic Arm Based on Steady State Visually Evoked Potential IEEE CIVEMSA 2019 ENG
2019 Classification of EEG Multiple Imagination Tasks Based on Independent Component Analysis and Relevant Vector Machines ENG
2019 Brain network analysis of hand motor execution and imagination based on Granger causality ENG
2018 Development of a soft active sensor that measures myoelectric signals 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム ENG
2018 Development of a robot hand support system using SSVEP 第 34 回ファジィシステムシンポジウム ENG
2016 Rehabilitation robot using muscle activity and neural decoding The XXI International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology(ISEK) ENG
2015 三次元空間の到達運動学習・制御モデル 信学技報 ENG
2015 Reversing Weight-Perception in Motion on Slope IEEE EMBS 2015 ITALY ENG
2015 Real-time closed-eye-based communication system using EEG sensors and auditory feedback CBMI2015 ENG
2014 脳波を用いた手指の動作識別 ENG
2014 脳波を用いた感性の定量化と応用に関する基礎検討 ENG
2014 落下物体受け取り動作における加速度学習メカニズムの解明 ENG
2014 Eye-movement-based Communication System: A Comparison between Classification of Eye Movements Using EOG and EEG Sensors ENG
2014 Classification of Wrist Movement from Electrocorticography in Primary Sensorimotor Cortex ENG
2014 脳皮質信号源を用いた母音識別における信号源推定条件の検討 ENG
2014 Impedance Control Affected by Uncertainty ENG
2014 環境の不確実性に応じて変化する最適な手首インピーダンスの考察 ENG
2014 強化学習とフィードバック誤差学習を用いた力場適応のための到達運動学習モデル ENG
2014 環境の不確実性に応じて変化する最適な手首インピーダンスの考察 ENG
2014 Effect of uncertainty in weight prediction on wrist impedance ENG
2014 Classifying speech imagery of Japanese vowels using EEG cortical currents ENG
2014 A computational model for learning reaching movement in 3-Dimentional Space and in force fields from scratch USA ENG
2014 Control of an arm robot using decoded muscle activities from electrocorticograms ITALY ENG
2014 A motor control-learning model for reaching movements in 3-dimentional space ITALY ENG
2013 脳活動信号を用いた音声識別 ENG
2013 筋電図取得のための防水能動電極の開発 ENG
2013 患者の大脳皮質におけるECoG信号を用いた腕の三次元軌跡の推定 ENG
2013 サルの皮質脳波から推定した筋電信号を用いた腕の角度の推定 ENG
2013 遠心性信号が重さの知覚に与える影響についての研究 ENG
2013 環境の不確実性に応じてスティフネスレベルを調節する物体受け取りタスクのための運動制御・学習モデルの提案 ENG
2013 一次運動野の皮質脳波を用いた腕軌道のデコーディング ENG
2013 Prediction of Arm Movement from Electrocorticogram IEEE JAPAN ENG
2013 Prediction of Hand Trajectory from Electrocorticogram in Primates JAPAN ENG
2013 Decoding Muscle Activities from Electrocorticogram in Primary Motor Cortex JAPAN ENG
2013 Prediction of three-dimensional arm trajectory using ECoG signals in patient's cortical cortex JAPAN ENG
2013 Prediction of Joint angle from decoded Muscle Activities from Electrocorticograms in Primary Motor Cortex JAPAN ENG
2013 A motor control-learning model enabling stiffness adjustment according to uncertainty of object's weight during load-on task JAPAN ENG
2013 A study of efferent signal's influence on weight perception JAPAN ENG
2013 Decoding of arm movement from electrocorticogram in primary motor cortex JAPAN ENG
2013 Quantitative evaluation model of the muscle control policy with EMG signal JAPAN ENG
2013 EMG Normalization using Multiple Contraction Levels for Human Machine Interaface USA ENG
2013 Illusion of weight perception caused by temporal mismatch CANADA ENG
2013 Prediction of arm 3d-trajectory from human electrocorticograms CANADA ENG
2013 Prediction of joint angle from muscle activities decoded from electrocorticograms CANADA ENG
2013 Muscle Synergy Control Model-tuned EMG Driven Torque Estimation System with a Musculo-skeletal Model IEEE JAPAN ENG
2013 Face Detection using Multiband Camera System SINGAPORE ENG
2013 Trajectory Formation of Step-Tracking Wrist Movements Predicted by an Optimal Control Model JAPAN ENG
2013 A motor control-learning model enabling stiffness adjustment according to uncertainty of object’s weight during load-on task USA ENG
2012 スティフネスが重さ知覚に与える影響 ENG
2012 骨格系モデルを用いた筋電からの腕関節トーク推定システム ENG
2012 Prediction of Joint angle from Muscle Activities decoded from Electrocorticograms in Primary Motor Cortex ENG
2012 落下物体の衝突タイミングの予測誤差が重さの知覚に与える影響について ENG
2012 EEG信号源電流を用いたロボット制御 ENG
2012 Muscular skeletal model based EMG driven arm joint torque estimation system JAPAN ENG
2012 Controlling a robot using EEG cortical currents JAPAN ENG
2012 Reconstruction of muscle activities from electrocorticograms in primary motor cortex JAPAN ENG
2012 Reconstruction of muscle activities from a small number of electrocorticograms in primary motor cortex USA ENG
2012 The effect of temporal prediction error on weight perception USA ENG
2011 サルの神経活動から指先の力を予測する研究 ENG
2011 サルのM1活動から指力を予測する研究 ENG
2011 居眠り反応遅れと視床・脳幹における脳活動の関係 ENG
2011 手首のステップトラッキング運動における軌道生成に関する研究 ENG
2011 スティフネスが重さに知覚を与える影響 ENG
2011 状況に応じた運動時間の変化を予言する到達運動制御モデルの提案 ENG
2011 Prediction of finger force from the neuronal activities of the primary motor cortex JAPAN ENG
2011 Reconsturction of finger force from the M1 activities of a Japanese monkey USA ENG
2010 The neural bases of an absent-minded state defined by ‘fast and sloppy’ responses JAPAN ENG
2010 Muscle activation pattern in step-tracking wrist movement predicted by final-position cintrol hypothesis with internal models CZECH ENG
2009 内部モデルを用いた終端位置制御仮説による筋活動予測 ENG
2009 Foot pedal operation in the occurrence of slow eye movements JAPAN ENG
2009 Slow eye movement detection for drowsiness alert system JAPAN ENG
2007 準教師有学習を用いたBCIのためのEEGのオンラインクラスタリング ENG
2007 軌道計画を必要としない到達運動制御モデル ENG
2007 軌道計画を行わない到達運動学習・制御モデル 第29回日本神経科学大会 ENG
2007 試行錯誤な学習を可能とする腕の到達運動制御モデル ENG
2007 Motor control-learning model for arm’s reaching movement without desired trajectory PORTUGAL ENG
2007 Visuomanual coordination in ball catching task PORTUGAL ENG
2007 Unrealistic condition between visual and haptic stimuli in ball catching task ENG
2007 Arm reaching movements generated by the ”final point control ”with internal models USA ENG
2006 Self-Load-On-Taskにおける 腕の運動制御学習モデル ENG
2006 接触タイミング予測における視覚と触覚の関係 ENG
2006 Learning and control model of arm Posture Tokyo ENG
2006 A New Device to Measure The Eletromyographic Signals Easily Italy ENG
2006 Learning and control model of the arm for maintaining positions with different weights on hand Italy ENG
2006 Coop erative works by a human and a robot driven by ultrasonic motor using EMG signals Italy ENG
2006 A Study of Motor Control for Load on Task using Eletromyographic signals Italy ENG
2006 Motor Control-Learning Model for Reaching Movements IEEE CANADA ENG
2006 Tele-Kinesthetic Interaction: Using Hand Muscles to Interact With A Tangible 3D Object USA ENG
2006 Speed Characteristic of A New Type Ultrasonic-motor and Impedance Matching System by Novel Method KOREA ENG
2006 Arm-reaching movement without planning desired trajectory SfN USA ENG
2006 Using a MyoKinetic Synthesizer to Control of Virtual Instruments CHINA ENG
2005 Load-Taskにおける腕の運動制 御に関する研究 ENG
2005 物体の重さ比較時の知覚に関する研究 ENG
2005 表面筋電信号を用いた運動制御に関する研究、 ENG
2005 軌道計画を行なわない運動学習・制御モデルの提案 ENG
2005 軌道計画を行なわない運動学習・制御モデルの提案 ENG
2005 Learning and Switching between Multiple Nonzero-Gravity Environments for Catching Task USA ENG
2004 肉骨格系の数式モデルによる腕のスティフネスの推定 ENG
2004 Reexamination of the Size-weight Illusion from a Time-varying Arm Impedance Italy ENG
2004 The Switching of Time-to-contact Estimation Models Italy ENG
2004 Estimation of Time-varying Stiffness Ellipse from EMG signals using a Musculo-skeletal Model Italy ENG
2003 筋電信号を用いたAIBOの制御によるリハビリテーション 東京工業大学 ENG
2003 筋電信号からトルク、 平衡位置、 スティフネスの推定 第4回SICE講演会 ENG
2003 Motion Assist System using Functional Electrical Stimulation(FES) and Electromyogram(EMG) ENG
2002 表面筋電信号を用いた人腕のインピーダンスの推定 北海道大学 ENG
2002 Direct Arm Impedance Estimation Using Surface EMG Signals SfN USA ENG
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2014 Motor Control Theory and Brain-Machine Interfaces Yasuharu Koike_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Kambara 2014-12 Clinical Systems Neuroscience 、 0 ENG
2010 Brain-Machine Interfaces Based on Computational Model Yasuharu Koike Hiroyuki Kambara Natsue Yoshimura Duk Shin 2010-10 Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation_ part 1. 、 0 ENG
2006 Using a MyoKinetic Synthesizer to Control of Virtual Instruments Duk Shin_ Atushi Katayama_ Kyong-sik Kim_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Makoto Sato and Yasuharu Koike 2006-12 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4282、 0 ENG
Academic Theses
2022 A Design of Biomimetic Prosthetic Hand Sakura Narumi, Xiansong Huang, Jongho Lee, Hiroyuki Kambara, Yousun Kang, Duk Shin 2022-06 Actuators 第11巻第6号 ENG
2022 Evaluation of Concentration Levels in Online Learning Using an Eye Tracker Device 姜 有宣,神原裕行,辛 徳 2022-04 画 像 電 子 学 会 誌 第51巻第2号 164-169 ENG
2021 Brain Patterns During Single-and Dual-Task Leg Movements Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 第11巻3号 781-788 ENG
2021 EEG-based Anxious States Classification using Affective BCI-based Closed Neurofeedback System Chao Chen, Xuecong Yu, Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem et. al. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 2021 ENG
2021 A Design of Anthropomorphic Hand based on Human Finger Anatomy Zixun He , Yousun Kang , Duk Shin 2021-08 Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 6(4) 431-438 ENG
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2021 Modulation of wrist stiffness caused by adaptation to stochastic environment H. Kambara, H. Ogawa, A. Takagi, D. Shin, N. Yoshimura & Y. Koike 2021-03 Advanced robotics ENG
2020 Quadcopter Robot Control Based on Hybrid Brain–Computer Interface System Chao Chen, Peng Zhou, Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem, Lin Lu, Rui Xu, Xiaotian Wang, Wenjun Tan, Zhifeng Qiao, Penghai Li, Qiang Gao, and Duk Shin Sensors and Materials Vol. 32, No. 3 991–1004 ENG
2020 Study on Pick-up Works using Deep Learning 坂田 修一 , 清水 智 , 福田 聖斗 , 辛 徳 第43巻1号 10-14 ENG
2020 Fishing line artificial muscle Peltier element Control device 清水 智 , 坂田 修一 , 福田 聖斗 , 辛 徳 第43巻1号 15-20 ENG
2020 Neural activities classification of left and right finger gestures during motor execution and motor imagery 2020-07 Brain-Computer Interfaces 1-11 ENG
2019 Real-Time Emotion Estimation System Using Face API of Microsoft Azure Yousun Kang, Takenori Obo, Yuta Ogai, Duk Shin 日本写真学会誌 第83巻第2号 ENG
2019 G-Causality Brain Connectivity Differences of Finger Movements between Motor Execution and Motor Imagery Chao Chen, Jiaxin Zhang, Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem, Shanting Zhang, Rui Xu, Bin Hao, Qiang Gao, Duk Shin, Changming Wang, Dong Ming 2019-10 Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2019(5068283) 1-12 ENG
2019 Development of a Prosthetic Hand Based on Human Anatomy Zixun He, Aya Wakabayashi, Rezenko Roman Yurievich, Masayuki Sekiguchi, Yousun Kang, Yuta Ogai, Duk Shin 2019-06 International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering 第7巻第2号 17-20 ENG
2019 The Mixed Kernel Function SVM-based Point Cloud Classification 2019-03 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 1-11 ENG
2018 Control of a Robot Arm using decoded Joint angles from Electrocorticograms in Primate Duk Shin, Hiroyuki Kambara, Natsue Yoshimura, Yasuharu Koike Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2018 1-10 ENG
2018 Structure design for wheelchair climbing stairs 米山 光、大海 悠太、鈴木 秀和、辛 徳 41巻1号 81-85 ENG
2018 Development of a support robot hand system using SSVEP Zixun He, Yuusuke Watanabe, Rezenko Roman Yurievich, Yousun Kang, Yuta Ogai, Duk Shin 2018-12 IT CoNvergence PRActice (INPRA) 6 1-10 ENG
2018 Electromyogram refinement using muscle synergy based regulation of uncertain information Kyuengbo Min, Duk Shin, Jongho Lee, Shinji Kakei 2018-04 Journal of Biomechanics (Elsevier) 72 125-133 ENG
2017 Mapping ECoG channel contributions to trajectory and muscle activity prediction in human sensorimotor cortex Yasuhiko Nakanishi, Takufumi Yanagisawa, Duk Shin, Hiroyuki Kambara, Natsue Yoshimura, Masataka Tanaka, Ryohei Fukuma, Haruhiko Kishima, Masayuki Hirata, Yasuharu Koike Scientific Reports - Nature 7: 45486 1-13 ENG
2017 Illumination Invariant Face and Pupil Detection Using a Multiband Camera System Yousun Kang,Yoshinori Arai1, Fumitaka Ono1, and Duk Shin 2017-06-17 IT CoNvergence PRActice (INPRA) volume: 5, number: 2 1-10 ENG
2016 Individualistic weight perception from motion on a slope Kalanyu Zintus-art_ Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ and Yasuharu Koike 2016-05 Scientific Reports (Nature) 0 25432 ENG
2016 Decoding of covert vowel articulation using electroencephalography cortical currents Yoshimura N_ Nishimoto A_ Belkacem A_ Shin D_ Kambara H_ Hanakawa T and Koike Y 2016-04 Frontiers in Neuroscience 0 175 ENG
2015 Real-time Control of Video Game with Eye Movements for Asynchronous and Non-invasive BCI Based on EEG Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem *_ Supat Saetia_ Kalanyu Zintus-art_ Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Nasreddine Berrached_ Yasuharu Koike 2015-09 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 0 653639 ENG
2015 Online Classification Algorithm for Eye-movement-based Communication Systems Using Two Temporal EEG Sensors Abdelkader. N. Belkacem_ Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Yasuharu Koike 2015-02 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 0 40-47 ENG
2014 Classification of Four Eye Directions from EEG Signals for Eye-Movement-Based Communication Systems Abdelkader N. Belkacem_ Hideaki Hirose_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Duk Shin_ Makoto Sato_ Yasuharu Koike 2014-12 Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 6 581-588 ENG
2014 Decoding fingertip trajectory from electrocorticographic signals in humans Yasuhiko Nakanishi_ Takufumi Yanagisawa_ Duk Shina_ Chao Chen_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Ryohei Fukuma_ Haruhiko Kishima_ Masayuki Hirata and Yasuharu Koike 2014-08 Neuroscience Research 0 20-27 ENG
2014 Dissociable neural representations of wrist motor coordinate frames in human motor cortices Natsue Yoshimura_ Koji Jimura_ Charles S DaSalla_ Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Takashi Hanakawa_ Yasuharu Koike 2014-08 NeuroImage 6 53-61 ENG
2014 Advanced Mobile Security System Operated by Bioelectrical Sensor Kalanyu Zintus-art_ Duk Shin_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Yasuharu Koike 2014-07 International Journal of Security and Its Applications 4 139-150 ENG
2014 Decoding grasp force profile from electrocorticography signals in non-human primate sensorimotor cortex Chao Chen_ Duk Shin_ Hidenori Watanabe_ Yasuhiko Nakanishi_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Atsushi Nambu_ Tadashi Isa_ Yukio Nishimura_ Yasuharu Koike 2014-06 Neuroscience Research 0 0 ENG
2014 Control of a Brick-breaking Game using Electromyogram Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Yousun Kang_ and Yasuharu Koike 2014-04 International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 128-131 ENG
2014 Decoding of Kinetic and Kinematic Information from Electrocorticograms in Sensorimotor Cortex: a Review Duk Shin_ Yasuhiko Nakanishi_ Chao Chen_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ and Yasuharu Koike 2014-04 International Journal of Neurorehabilitation 1 0 ENG
2013 Prediction of hand trajectory from electrocorticogram in primary motor cortex Chao Chen_ Duk Shin_ Hidenori Watanabe_ Yasuhiko Nakanishi_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Atsushi Nambu_ Tadashi Isa_ Yukio Nishimura_ Yasuharu Koike 2013-12 PLoS ONE 12 e83534 ENG
2013 Multiband Camera System using Color and Near Infrared Images Yousun Kang and Duk Shin 2013-11 Applied Mechanics and Materials 0 919-926 ENG
2013 Prediction of three-dimensional arm trajectories based on ECoG signals recorded from human sensorimotor cortex Yasuhiko Nakanishi_ Takufumi Yanagisawa_ Duk Shin_ Ryohei Fukuma_ Chao Chen_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Masayuki Hirata_ Toshiki Yoshimine_ Yasuharu Koike 2013-08 PLoS ONE 8 0 ENG
2013 Neural activity changes associated with impulsive responding in the sustained attention to response task Sakai H_ Uchiyama Y_ Hayashi MJ_ Shin D_ Sadato N. 2013-06 PLoS ONE 6 e67391 ENG
2013 A Virtual Instrument System Operated by Electromyographic Signals Duk Shin_ Atsushi Katayama_ Kyoungsik Kim_ Jaehyo Kim_ Natsue Yoshimura_ _ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Yasuharu Koike 2013-05 Information 5 3275-3286 ENG
2013 運動と姿勢の動作解析 小池康晴_ 神原裕行_ 吉村奈津江_ 辛徳 2013-05 作業療法ジャーナル 6 492-496 ENG
2013 A computational model for optimal muscle activity considering muscle viscoelasticity in wrist movements Hiroyuki Kambara_ Duk Shin_ Yasuharu Koike 2013-04 Journal of Neurophysiology 8 2145-2160 ENG
2013 The effect of temporal perception on weight perception Hiroyuki Kambara_ Duk Shin_ Toshihiro Kawase_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Katsuhito Akahane_ Makoto Sato and Yasuharu Koike 2013-02 Frontiers in Psychology 0 40 ENG
2012 BMIと運動制御 小池康晴_ 川瀬利弘_ 辛徳_ 神原裕行_ 吉村奈津江 2012-10 リハビリテーション医学 10 715-719 ENG
2012 Prediction of Muscle Activities from Electrocorticograms in Primary Motor Cortex of Primates Duk Shin_ Hidenori Watanabe_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Atsushi Nambu_ Tadashi Isa_ Yukio Nishimura_ Yasuharu Koike 2012-10 PLoS ONE 10 e47992 ENG
2012 Attentional effects on gaze preference for salient loci in traffic scenes Sakai H_ Shin D_ Kohama K_ Uchiyama Y. 2012-04 Ergonomics 7 743-751 ENG
2012 Suppression of brain activity related to a car-following task with an auditory task: an fMRI study. Uchiyama Y_ Toyoda H_ Sakai H_ Shin D_ Ebe K_ Sadato N. 2012-01 Transportation Research Part F 1 25-37 ENG
2011 Slow eye movement detection can prevent sleep-related accidents effectively in a simulated driving task Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Sakai_ Yuji Uchiyama 2011-09 Journal of Sleep Research 3 416-424 ENG
2011 Slow eye movement as a possible predictor of reaction delays to auditory warning alarms in a drowsy state Hiroyuki Sakai_ Duk Shin_ Yuji Uchiyama_ Ryuta Terashima_ Toshihiro Wakita 2011-02 Ergonomics 2 146-153 ENG
2009 Learning and Generation of Goal-directed Arm reaching from Scratch Hiroyuki Kambara_ Kyong-sik Kim_ Duk Shin_ Yasuharu Koike 2009-05 Neural Networks 4 348-361 ENG
2009 Learning and Control Model of the Arm for Loading Kyong-sik Kim_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Duk Shin_ Yasuharu Koike 2009-04 IEICE Trans.Inf. & Syst 4 705-716 ENG
2009 A myokinetic arm model for estimating joint torque and stiffness from EMG signals during maintained posture Duk Shin_ Jaehyo Kim_ Yasuharu Koike 2009-01 Journal of Neurophysiology 1 387-401 ENG
2006 Role of Stiffness in Weight Perception Yasuharu Koike_ Jae-hyo Kim_ Duk Shin 2006-11 Japanese Psychological Research 3 174-187 ENG
2004 筋肉骨格系の数式モデルによる腕のスティフネスの推定 辛徳_ 嶋田修_ 佐藤誠_ 小池康晴 2004-09 電子情報通信学会論文誌 9 1860-1869 ENG
2004 筋肉骨格系に基づく人腕の順動力学モデル 閔庚甫,辛徳,小池康晴 2004-07 映像情報メディア学会誌 7 987-994 ENG
2004 Stiffness Teaching and Motion Assist System Using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) and Electromyogram (EMG) Signals Masaaki Uechi_ Yutaka Naito_ Duk Shin_ Makoto Sato_ Yasuharu Koike 2004-05 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 5 446-455 ENG
1999 A Force-reflecting Haptic interface using Ultrasonic Motors Duk Shin,Gm-kon Oh,and Young-dong Kim 1999-01 Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers 1 111-118 ENG
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