Researcher Information
Teacher Information
Academic Background
Academic Society and Social Activity
Field of Research
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker
Academic Theses
Basic information
TANABE Hiroshi
Teacher Information
TANABE Hiroshi タナベ ヒロシ 2430297 1583 Iiyama, Atsugi, Kanagawa
TOKYO POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering、Department of Engineering、Machinery Course Full-Time Teacher
Academic Background
1982-08 Michigan State University Completion ESL Certificate program ESL Certificate
1984-03-31 Dokkyo University Graduation ---
1991-03-31 Temple University Graduation Master of Education in TESOL
1992-08 Georgetown University School of Languages and Linguistics Completion TEFL Graduate Certificate Program in the Teaching of English as a Second Language TESL Graduate Certificate
1993-03 Newport University Graduation School of Human Behavior Ph.D. in Human Behavior
Academic Society and Social Activity
2018 2018-04-01 慶応義塾大学 【大学記入分】非常勤講師の委嘱 ENG 講師
2017 2017-04-01 慶應義塾大学 【大学記入分】講師(非常勤) ENG
Field of Research
Education TESOL
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker
2016 工業英語
2000 L2学習者の学習法略
2000 スピーキング指導のメソッド考案
1900 動機論
1996 Humanistic CALLL and Language Learning Strategy-A Report from Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics Finland ENG
2014 Designing the course for Technical Communication in English at Tokyo Polytechnic University 0 2014-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University Vol.37、No.2 pp.7-19 ENG
2012 Interpretation of the Goals of the Tasks by the Learners in the Class Based on the Content-Based Approach 0 2012-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University Vol.35、No.2 pp.32-40 ENG
2006 Project Based Approach in English for University Students 0 2006-06 、 216p ENG
1999 Multimedia-Supported Research 0 、 0 ENG
1999 CALL/マルチメディア教室での英文レポート作成とプレゼンテーションのためのワークブック 0 、 0 ENG
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1999 Multimedia-Supported Research 0 1999-01 、 0 ENG
1998 「全人的大学英語教育」 0 1998-04 、 0 ENG
1994 NewBasic English Grammar and Composition 先川暢郎 大東俊一_藤田温子_田邊 寛 1994-04 、 0 ENG
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Academic Theses
2018 Ccharastaristics of the Language Learner Strategies Used during the Learning of Complex Sentences 2018-12 東京工芸大学工学部紀要 第41巻(2) 16-25 ENG
2014 Designing the Course for Technical Communication in English at Tokyo Polytechnic University 2015-01 東京工芸大学工学部紀要 第37巻2号 pp.7-19 ENG
2013 Interpretation of the Goals of the Tasks by the Learners in the Classes Based on the Content-Based Approach 2013-01 東京工芸大学工学部紀要 第35号No.2 pp.32,40 ENG
2012 Interpretation of the Goals of the Tasks by the Tasks by the Learners in the Classes Based on the Content Based Approach 2012-01 東京工芸大学工学部 Vol.35No.2 ENG
2010 Improving TOEIC Training Program of Tokyo Polytechnic University 2010-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University No.2 pp.1-6 ENG
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2008 Reactions of Students to the Use of Content-Based Approach in a regular Course of English as a General Education Subject 2008-09 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University No.2 pp.9-19 ENG
2007 Perceived Level of Understanding and Motivation of Students in an Academic Skills Program Taught in English 2008-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University No.2 pp.1-10 ENG
2006 The Effects of Three-Month TOEIC Training Program 2007-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University No.2 pp.1-7 ENG
2005 Effects of Teaching Styles on Motivation for Self-Training by Students in Teaching of Presentation in L2 2006-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University No.2 pp.1-7 ENG
2004 Student Understanding of the Philosophy of Content Based Approach in a General English Course 2005-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University No.2 pp.1-17 ENG
2003 Effects of Attitude on Students’ Acceptability of Task Types 2004-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Polytechnic University No.2 pp.1-15 ENG
2002 A Retrospective Analysis of a Language Learning Journal of French as Second Language Acquisition: insearch of factors for a successful learning_ Hiroshi Tanabe_ 2003-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics No.2 pp.1-12_ ENG
2001 Student Choice of Themes in Multimedia-Supported Research Project in CALLL_ Hiroshi Tanabe_ 2002-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics No.2 pp.10-16_ ENG
2000 Teaching the Use of Discourse Types in Academic Writing 2001-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics No.2 pp.13-20 ENG
2000 The Motivational FactorsIdentified in a Humanistic Approach to English Learning 2000-01 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics No.2 pp.19-26 ENG
1999 The Motivatiational Factors Identified in a Humanistic Approach to English Learning The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics 2 19-26 ENG
1999 Business English:Meetings 重光由加,杉橋朝子,田邊 寛(翻訳) 2002-03 University of Victoria Abax Business English 0 0 ENG
1998 Students' Motivation Raised by an Enlightening and Skill Based Textbook. The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics 2 55-61 ENG
1997 A Research on the Use of Language Learning Strategies by Good Readers of English in L2 The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics 2 16-23 ENG
1996 A Definition of Teacher Roles in Computer Assisted Language Learning Laboratory The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engeneering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics 2 48-55 ENG
1996 Humanistic CALLL and Language Learning Strategy-A Report from Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics 11th World Congress of Applied Lingnistics _ The University of Jyvaskyla _ Finland 0 0 ENG
1995 An Analysis of the Success of Eearly Childhood L2 Acquisition The Academic Reports The Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics 2 42660 ENG
1995 CALLLin Action…Wow_ It's Fun! Korea Tesol '95 0 0 ENG
1995 CALLラボにおける指導上の変化および留意点についての考察 語学ラボラトリー学会コンピュータ部会編 Discussion Paper 3 24-27 ENG
1995 CALL授業研究 語学ラボラトリー学会関東支部平成7年度第2回研究発表大会 0 0 ENG
1995 Humanizing CAlll JALT West Tokyo Chapter Meeting 0 0 ENG
1995 Readiness Factors for the Achievement of High School level of Reading Skills in English under Twelve Years Old 0 25 115 ENG
1995 Wow_ It's Fun but Tough…CALLLin Action 0 0 0 ENG
1995 東京工芸大学CALLラボの実践報告-学習者中心のシステムと学習理論 語学ラボラトリー学会第35回全国研究大会 0 0 ENG
1994 Teaching Learning Strategies : a research on the effect of teaching explicitly versus inexplicitly 0 24 81 ENG
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