Researcher Information
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Academic Background
Academic Society and Social Activity
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Academic Theses
Basic information
Yingli Xuan
Teacher Information
Yingli Xuan ゲン エイレイ 2430297 1583 Iiyama, Atsugi, Kanagawa
TOKYO POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering、Architecture
Academic Background
2013-04 2018-02 名古屋大学大学院 環境学研究科
Academic Society and Social Activity
Field of Research
Architectonics CFD、都市気候解析、温熱快適性
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker
2018 【大学記入分】共同利用・共同研究拠点:特色ある共同研究整備事業
2021 Comparative Study on the Thermoregulation Ability of People Born and Growing in Different Climate Conditions Southwest Jiaotong University 中国・成都(ONLINEで参加) ENG
2021 Field Measurement Study on Outdoor Thermal Environment of Children's Height Level at Kindergarten ISUH (the International Society for Urban Health) ONLINE ENG
2021 Characteristics of Skin Temperature Change of Southeast Asians and Japanese under Different Temperatures based on Subject Experiments ENG
2021 Field Study on Outdoor Thermal Environment at Kindergarten オンライン(2021年度日本建築学会大会(東海)、名古屋工業大学) ENG
2020 Comparisons of the Body‘s Thermoregulation System in Different Climates based on Subject Experiments in Climate Chamber 韓国 ENG
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2020 EEG correlates of wind pleasantness ENG
2020 Comparisons of the body's thermoregulation system under different climatic conditions (Part 1) - Comparisons based on skin surface temperature and the amount of sweating under the same thermal environment - 千葉大学 ENG
2019 Numerical investigation on the effects of introduction of heat island mitigation measures based on latent heat transfer Effects of introduction of a water retentive building material in each season of the 2030sunder hot and humid environments in the future (Part 2) 金沢工業大学 野々市 ENG
2019 Effect of the change in the land-use of withdrawal areas in compact city models on the urban thermal environment 金沢工業大学 野々市 ENG
2019 Compact city planning focused on countermeasures for future thermal environment (Part 2) Change in thermal comfort by introducing urban farms 金沢工業大学 野々市 ENG
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Academic Theses
2020 Environmental impact assessment of introducing compact city models by downscaling simulations Satoru Iizuka, Yingli Xuan, Chika Takatori, Hirosuke Nakaura, Akari Hashizume 2020-12 Sustainable Cities and Society Volume 63 ENG
2020 Optimization of effective moisture penetration depth model considering airflow velocity for gypsum-based materials Huibo Zhang, Chengnan Shi, Deng Pan, Yingli Xuan, Xueqiong He 2020-11 Journal of Building Engineering Volume 32 ENG
2019 Experimental investigation of thermal properties and moisture buffering performance of composite interior finishing materials under different airflow conditions Chengnan Shi, Huibo Zhang, Yingli Xuan 2019-08 Building and Environment Volume 160 ENG