Researcher Information
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Academic Background
Academic Society and Social Activity
Field of Research
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker
Academic Theses
Basic information
KANG Yousun
Teacher Information
KANG Yousun カン ユウソン 2430297 1583 Iiyama, Atsugi, Kanagawa
TOKYO POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering、Applied Computer Science Full-Time Teacher
Academic Background
2010-07 Tokyo Institute of Technology Other --- Ph.D
2001-12 2003-10 東京工業大学 像情報工学研究所 非常勤講師 Part-Time Employee
2003-11 2005-10 日本学術振興会(JSPS) 外国人特別研究員 Research Associate
2005-11 2006-04 東京工業大学 像情報工学研究所 特別研究員 Research Associate
2006-05 2007-03 東京工業大学 精密工学研究所 非常勤講師 Part-Time Employee
2007-04 2010-03 株式会社 豊田中央研究所 客員研究員 Research Associate
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2010-04 2011-03 国立情報学研究所 特任研究員 Research Associate
2011-04 2017-03 東京工芸大学 工学部 コンピュータ応用学科 准教授 Associate Professor
2017-04 東京工芸大学 工学部 コンピュータ応用学科 教授 Professor
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Academic Society and Social Activity
2014 2012-06 The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan 0 ENG 技術専門理事
Field of Research
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker
2019 自律移動ドローンを用いた映像情報の収集・提示システム
2012 科研費基盤C 「シーン内の文脈情報を利用した高速画像分類手法の実現」
2011 科研費基盤C 「シーン内の文脈情報を利用した高速画像分類手法の実現」
2004 JSPS外国人特別研究員 「Research on Understanding of Real-world Scene using Self-organization Learning of Local Texture」
2003 JSPS外国人特別研究員 「Research on Understanding of Real-world Scene using Self-organization Learning of Local Texture」
2021 Research on intelligent analysis algorithms for animated characters 画像電子学会 ENG
2021 Evaluation of Concentration Levels in Online Learning Using Eye Tracker Device 画像電子学会 ENG
2021 Facial Color Analysis by Body Temperature using Color and Far Infrared Images International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2021) Jeju, Republic of Korea ENG
2020 Studies of automatic tracking drone for human motion analysis 人工知能学会全国大会 ENG
2020 Face Color Analysis by Body Temperature for a Mobile Device Application The 9th International Conference on Smart Media and Applications (SMA 2020) Jeju, Republic of Korea ENG
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2019 Object Detection Application Based on 3D Layout Recognition using Smart Media Pablet The Institute of Smart Media of Korea Gwangju, Korea ENG
2017 Illumination Invariant Pupil Detection using Multiband Images Seoul, Korea ENG
2014 Kitchen Layout Estimation and Object Recognition Using Spatial Context Information Hongkong ENG
2013 マルチバンドカメラを用いた顔検出システム Yokohama、 Japan ENG
2013 Face Detection using Multiband Camera System San Fransisco、 CA ENG
2013 Control of a Brick-breaking Game using Electromyogram Singapore ENG
2013 Multiband Camera System using Color and Near Infrared Images The Prize of the Best Presentation Singapore ENG
2013 Illumination Invariant Face Detection Using Multiband Camera System Kota kinabalu、 Malaysia ENG
2012 Texton Clustering for Local Classification using Scene-Context Scale Incheon、 Korea ENG
2011 Scale-Optimized Textons for Image Categorization and Segmentation Dana Point、 CA、 USA ENG
2011 Road Image Segmentation and Recognition using Hierarchical Bag-of-Textons Method GIST、 Korea ENG
2011 Hierarchical Spatial Matching Kernel for Image Categorization vancouver、 Canada ENG
2010 Semantic Segmentation and Object Recognition using Scene-Context Scale Sigapore ENG
2010 シーンコンテクストスケールを用いた画像分類 Kyoto、 Japan ENG
2010 Random Forests Based Image Categorization Using Scene-Context Scale Kushiro、 Japan ENG
2009 Road Scene Labeling Using SfM Module and 3D Bag of Textons Kyoto、 Japan ENG
2009 Road Scene Segmentation and Recognition Using Hierarchical Bag of Textons Method Yokohama、 Japan ENG
2009 Integration of Motion and Segmentation for Road Scene Labeling Using Near Infrared and Color Image Matue、 Japan ENG
2009 Segementation and Object Recognition in Road Scenes Using Multi-scale Semantic Bag of Textons Method Sapporo、 Japan ENG
2008 Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Multiband Camera Andong、 Korea ENG
2008 Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Texture Filter Banks Tampa、 FL、 USA ENG
2008 Multiband Image Segmentation for Road Environment Scenes using SfM Module and HLAC Features Karuizawa、 Japan ENG
2008 マルチバンドカメラに基づいたイメージセグメンテーション Yokohama、 Japan ENG
2007 Texture-Based Objects Recognition for Vehicle Environment Perception Using a Multiband Camera Tahoe、 NV、 USA ENG
2007 3D Texture Segmentation for Road Environment Scenes using a SfM Module Kyoto、 Japan ENG
2005 Scale Invariant Texture Analysis using Multi-scale Local Autocorrelation Features Hofgeismar、 Germany ENG
2005 Depth Estimation of a 2D Scene using Scale Variation of Texture Patterns Tokyo、 Japan ENG
2005 Automobile Cylinder Sleeve Detection Using Surface Texture Patterns Yokohama、 Japan ENG
2004 Texture Classification Using Hierarchical Discriminant Analysis Hague、 Netherlands ENG
2004 A Method for Detecting Human Face Region Based On Generation and Selection of Kernel Features Hague、 Netherlands ENG
2003 Scale Invariant Texture Model for Texture Classification and Scene Analysis Fukuoka、 Japan ENG
2003 Texture Structure Classification and Depth Estimation using Multi-Scale Local Autocorrelation Features Madison、 Wisconsin、 USA ENG
2002 Texture Structure Classification using Multi Scale Features Based on Local Autocorrelation Cheju、 Korea ENG
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2021 Empty Space Detection in Spread Outdoor Parking Lots Using Deep Learning 2021-03 日本工業出版,画像ラボ 第32巻第3号 56-63 ENG
2015 座談会:新春女性理事座談会ー女性研究者の仕事と家庭ー 竹島由里子, 劉江, 姜有宣, 岩崎裕江, 新麗 2016-03 画像電子学会誌 第45巻第1号 216-218 ENG
2015 グループ紹介:東京工芸大学工学部コンピュータ応用学科 姜研究室 姜有宣 2015-09 画像電子学会誌 第44巻第4号 712-713 ENG
2013 スティーブ・ジョブズとピクサー社の歴史 姜有宣 2014-03 画像電子学会誌 第43巻第2号 217-218 ENG
2012 画像分類のためのランダムフォレストを用いたシーンコンテキストスケールの開発 姜有宣_ 長橋 宏_ 杉本晃宏 2012-08 日本工業出版,画像ラボ 第23巻第8号 46-51 ENG
Academic Theses
2022 Evaluation of Concentration Levels in Online Learning Using an Eye Tracker Device 姜有宣,神原裕行,辛徳 2022-04 画像電子学会誌 第51巻第2号 164-169 ENG
2022 Recognition of Animated Characters Using Intelligent Analysis Algorithms 符喬鈞,神原裕行,姜有宣 2022-01 画像電子学会誌 第51巻第1号 18-24 ENG
2021 A Design of Anthropomorphic Hand based on Human Finger Anatomy Zixun He, Yousun Kang and Duk Shin 2021-08 Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Volume 6, Issue 4 431-438 ENG
2021 Remote Detection of Body Temperature Using Infrared Array Sensor Grid-EYE 小澤 芽生,姜 有宣 2021-06 東京工芸大学工学部紀要 44巻第1号 21-25 ENG
2020 Empty Space Detection in Spread Parking Lots Using Deep Learning 三木 守 , 姜 有宣 2020-06 東京工芸大学工学部紀要 第43巻第1号 21-24 ENG
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2020 Analysis of Color Variation in a Facial Image by Body Temperature Yousun Kang and Duk Shin 2020-05 日本写真学会誌 第83巻第2号,Vol.2 31-32 ENG
2020 Real-Time Emotion Estimation System Using Face API of Microsoft Azure Yousun Kang, Takenori Obo, Yuta Ogai, and Duk Shin 2020-05 日本写真学会誌 第83巻第2号, Vol.1 9-10 ENG
2018 Development of a support robot hand system using SSVEP Zixun He, Yuusuke Watanabe, Rezenko Roman Yurievich, Yousun Kang, Yuta Ogai, Duk Shin 2018-12 IT CoNvergence PRActice (INPRA) Vo. 6, No. 4 1-11 ENG
2017 Illumination Invariant Face and Pupil Detection Using a Multiband Camera System Yousun Kang, Yoshinori Arai, Fumitaka Ono, and Duk Shin 2017-06 IT CoNvergence PRActice (INPRA) Vol. 5, No. 2 1-10 ENG
2016 Illumination Invariant Pupil Detection using Multiband Images Yousun Kang and Duk Shin 2017-02 Proc. of International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV) ENG
2014 Kitchen Layout Estimation and Object Recognition Using Spatial Context Information Yousun Kang and Heiyon Lee 2014-05 Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 0 0 ENG
2013 Control of a Brick-breaking Game using Electromyogram Duk Shin_ Hiroyuki Kambara_ Natsue Yoshimura_ Yousun Kang_ and Yasuharu Koike 2014-03 International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 128-131 ENG
2013 Image Categorization and Semantic Segmentation using Scale-Optimized Textons Yousun Kang and Akihiro Sugimoto 2014-03 IT Convergence Practice Vol. 2, No. 1 2-14 ENG
2013 Multiband Camera System using Color and Near Infrared Images Yousun Kang and Duk Shin 2013-11 Applied Mechanics and Materials 0 922-926 ENG
2013 Illumination Invariant Face Detection Using Multiband Camera System Yousun Kang and Duk Shin 2013-10 Proc. of International Conference on Smart Media Applications 0 0 ENG
2013 マルチバンドカメラを用いた顔検出システム 宮原 知也, 引間 湧司,姜 有宣 2013-05 情報処理学会 電子化知的財産・社会基盤研究会 0 0 ENG
2012 Image Categorization Using Hierarchical Spatial Matching Kernel Tam T. Le and Yousun Kang and Akihiro Sugimoto 2013-03 The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan 2 214-221 ENG
2012 Texton Clustering for Local Classification using Scene-Context Scale Yousun Kang and Akihiro Sugimoto 2013-02 Proc. of 19th Korea-Japan Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision 0 0 ENG
2011 Scale-Optimized Textons for Image Categorization and Segmentation Yousun Kang and Akihiro Sugimoto 2011-12 Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 0 0 ENG
2011 Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition for Understanding Road Scenes Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito_ and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2011-11 IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems 4 1423-1433 ENG
2011 Road Image Segmentation and Recognition using Hierarchical Bag-of-Textons Method Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito_ and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2011-11 Advanced in Image and Video Technology (5th Pacific Rim Symposium_ PSIVT2011) 0 248-256 ENG
2011 Image Categorization Using Scene-Context Scale Based on Random Forests Yousun Kang_ Hiroshi Nagahashi_ and Akihiro Sugimoto 2011-09 IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems 9 1809-1816 ENG
2011 Hierarchical Spatial Matching Kernel for Image Categorization T. T. Le_ Y. Kang_ A. Sugimoto_ S. T. Tran and T. D. Nguyen 2011-06 Proc. of International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition 0 141-151 ENG
2010 シーンコンテクストスケールを用いた画像分類 姜有宣_ 杉本晃宏 2011-01 情報処理学会コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア研究会 0 0 ENG
2010 Semantic Segmentation and Object Recognition using Scene-Context Scale Yousun Kang_ Hiroshi Nagahashi and Akihiro Sugimoto 2010-11 Proc. of Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology 2010 0 0 ENG
2010 Integrating Motion and Segmentation for Road Scene Labeling Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2010-09 IPSJ Trans. on Computer Vision and Applications 0 123-131 ENG
2010 Random Forests Based Image Categorization Using Scene-Context Scale Yousun Kang and Akihiro Sugimoto 2010-07 第13回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム 0 0 ENG
2009 Road Scene Labeling Using SfM Module and 3D Bag of Textons Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2009-09 Proc. of International IEEE Workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition 0 0 ENG
2009 Road Scene Segmentation and Recognition Using Hierarchical Bag of Textons Method Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2009-09 第27回 日本ロボット学会 学術講演会 0 0 ENG
2009 Texture Segmentation of Road Environment Scene Using a SfM Module and HLAC Features Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2009-09 IPSJ Trans. on Computer Vision and Applications 1 220-230 ENG
2009 Integration of Motion and Segmentation for Road Scene Labeling Using Near Infrared and Color Image Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2009-07 第12回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム 0 0 ENG
2009 Segementation and Object Recognition in Road Scenes Using Multi-scale Semantic Bag of Textons Method Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2009-06 電子情報通信学会パターン認識・メディア理解研究会 0 0 ENG
2008 Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Multiband Camera Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2009-02 Proc. of 15th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision 0 0 ENG
2008 Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Texture Filter Banks Yousun Kang_ Kiyosumi Kidono_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2008-12 Proc. of International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2008 0 0 ENG
2008 Multiband Image Segmentation for Road Environment Scenes using SfM Module and HLAC Features Yousun Kang_ Koichiro Yamaguchi_ Takashi Naito and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2008-07 第11回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム 0 0 ENG
2008 マルチバンドカメラに基づいたイメージセグメンテーション 姜有宣_ 城殿清澄_ 木村好克_ 内藤貴志_ 二宮芳樹 2008-06 第14回 画像センシングシンポジウム 0 0 ENG
2007 3D Texture Segmentation for Road Environment Scenes using a SfM Module Yousun Kang_ Kiyosumi Kidono_ Yoshikatsu Kimura_ and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2008-01 情報処理学会コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア研究会 0 0 ENG
2007 Texture-Based Objects Recognition for Vehicle Environment Perception Using a Multiband Camera Yousun Kang_ Kiyosumi Kidono_ Yoshikatsu Kimura_ and Yoshiki Ninomiya 2007-12 Proc. of International Symposium on Visual Computing 07 0 582-591 ENG
2006 Texture-based Real-time Vision System for Detection of Automobile Cylinder Sleeves Yousun Kang and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2006-05 The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan 4 326-333 ENG
2005 3 次元物体モデル生成のための異なる解像度を持つ距離画像統合 Ken'ichi Morooka_ Yousun Kang and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2006-03 The Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 3 409-417 ENG
2005 Depth Perception from a 2D Natural Scene using Scale Variation of Texture Patterns Yousun Kang and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2006-03 IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems 3 1294-1298 ENG
2005 Texture Classification using Hierarchical Linear Discriminant Space Yousun Kang_ Ken'ichi Morooka and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2005-10 IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems 10 2380-2388 ENG
2005 Depth Estimation of a 2D Scene using Scale Variation of Texture Patterns Yousun Kang_ Ken'ichi Morooka and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2005-09 第21回ファジィシステムシンポジウム 0 0 ENG
2005 Automobile Cylinder Sleeve Detection Using Surface Texture Patterns Yousun Kang_ Ken'ichi Morooka and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2005-07 第11回 画像センシングシンポジウム 0 0 ENG
2005 Scale Invariant Texture Analysis using Multi-scale Local Autocorrelation Features Yousun Kang_ Ken'ichi Morooka and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2005-04 Proc. of International Conference on Scale-Space 2005 0 363-373 ENG
2004 A Method for Detecting Human Face Region Based On Generation and Selection of Kernel Features Junya Arakawa_ Ken'ichi Morooka_ Yousun Kang_ and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2004-10 Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems_ Man and Cybernetics 2004 0 2191-2196 ENG
2004 Texture Classification Using Hierarchical Discriminant Analysis Syuichi Yasuoka_ Yousun Kang_ Ken'ichi Morooka_ and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2004-10 Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems_ Man and Cybernetics 2004 0 6395-6400 ENG
2003 Scale Invariant Texture Model for Texture Classification and Scene Analysis Yousun Kang_ Osamu Hasegawa_ and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2004-02 Proc. of 10th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision 0 0 ENG
2003 Texture Structure Classification and Depth Estimation using Multi-Scale Local Autocorrelation Features Yousun Kang_ Osamu Hasegawa and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2003-06 Proc. of International IEEE Workshop on Learning in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 0 0 ENG
2002 Texture Structure Classification using Multi Scale Features Based on Local Autocorrelation Yousun Kang_ Osamu Hasegawa and Hiroshi Nagahashi 2003-02 Proc. of 9th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision 0 0 ENG
1999 A Real-Time Inspection System for Electrolytic Capacitors using Queue Data Structures Yousun Kang_ Kyengwan Roh and Choongwon Kim 1999-10 The Journal of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences 3B 551-556 ENG
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